Public Announcement concerning Fees, Charges and Changes to take place beginning January 1, 2025.

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The City of Sylvester would like to apologize for the recent error posted on the city’s Facebook page. This memo highlighted utility fees, charges and changes that will take effect, in the future. Do understand, each citizen will be notified by mail of these changes, so please ensure our billing department has an updated mailing address on file.

Please note the changes as follows:

  • There will be a grace period until 10:00 am on the day of cut off.
  • If your utilities are disconnected, there is a reconnect fee of $60. This fee will not be accessed, if you are not disconnected.
  • Beginning January 1, 2025, every citizen will be given one free reconnect fee of $60.
  • Each account will be allowed a free meter reread, once a year.
  • For each meter reread thereafter, a $25 fee will be assessed to the account.

Thank you for your business. If you have questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to City Hall at (229) 776-8505.

Best Regards,

Chris Davis
City Manager

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